Friday, September 25, 2009

Scientific Web Site

Thank goodness, Evolv has just now launched it's new website that provides the much awaited information concerning the science behind the product.


Click here

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ingredients For Success

Moving on to Chapter 2 of Barrett's excellent book, "Dare to Dream and Work to Win", he says that success is not an accident. In order to have a delicious cake one must use the correct ingredients, it is the same with success. Here are the four important ingredients required for a successful network marketing business:

1. Determine what you want. "Be absolutely clear about what you want out of your business before you decide what you will put into it." Write it down, this will help you focus now and later on when the going get tough. "A clear dream (goal) provides perspective and perseverance."

2. Decide what you are willing to give up in order to accomplish #1. It's time to stop dreaming and start working! Now that you are the boss, you will need to become self disciplined about putting yourself to work. This new found freedom may be new to you. Success will not be handed to you on a silver platter, but needs to be earned the "old fashioned way".

We'll go on to the other 2 ingredient's next time... Why not get the book and read along, all comments are welcome.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Today's Conference Call Notes

Here is an outline of the first 3 of 10 ways Evolv compensates us as distributors:

1. Retail or Preferred Customer Bonus
$12 on each case sold
2. Business Builder Bonus
Customer will get 9 cases for the price of 8
We receive a 10% bonus on the order
3. Fast Start Bonus
For all new distributors on first 30 day orders:
25% on our direct people
10% on their direct people
10% on then their direct people

These are bonuses which are over and above the tremendous commission plan.

Friday, September 11, 2009

To Filter or Not to Filter?

I think Jason made a few good points in his testimony on last night's conference call. Although he does have somewhat of a leg up in that he has experienced the benefits of the product first hand, he did, however, encourage us not to filter WHO we decide to tell about the Evolv product and opportunity. It is surprising to him that people that he thought would never be interested signed up and some who he thought would jump right in didn't. So... take your entire address book or facebook friends or business social network and tell ALL of them. Good advice Jason!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

There Will be Naysayers

I like what Paul from Idaho said in last nights conference call. "Some will, some wont, so what?, next?" Not everyone will be eager to share in our excitement. That's okay. Don't take it personally or let any of their negatives change your resolve and commitment to your success and achievement of your goals.
Jim Lutes says it well also: What if the product doesn't work? Well.. what if it does? What if the company goes broke? Well...what if it doesn't? What if people don't like the taste of the water? Well... what if they do? See what I mean? Some people see the glass as half empty, we need to see the glass as have full. That will enable us to be successful in this business.
This is your business, your dream for success, ignore the naysayers... don't worry, you will find a magnitude of yea-sayers out there!!!

Stay Thirsty My Friends!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Let's Get Started

At the end of our Saturday conference call Jim Lutes mentioned a couple books that would be helpful for those of us who are new to this business. One of them was the one I mentioned a couple weeks ago that I would be outlining the salient points here. So let's dive into the first chapter of Dr Tom Barrett's "Dare to Dream and Work to Win" .

He outlines 3 major principles:
  1. Consistent Effort
  2. Duplication
  3. Give It Enough Time
Consistent Effort
Discipline is the Price of Success! "You can work your business full-time or part-time, but NOT spare-time." "When someone says they do not have time for something, they have stated a priority NOT a fact."

J Paul Getty, "I would rather have 1% of 100 men working for me rather than 100% of my own efforts." It is the mathematical power of simple duplication. You sign up one person this month and both of you sign up another next month and continuing monthly, after 12 months you will have 4,096. Sounds good, huh?

Give It Enough Time
Be patient, take the long view and stay on task. Set your goals and work your goals accordingly. "He or she who invites the most people to view the presentations wins" is a real truism. Put in the time and you will reap the rewards in the future.

Get the book and jump in...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Awesome Meeting Last Night

I have to tell you that I was very impressed with our first Evolv meeting in Orange County. We have 2 of the main Evolv leaders in our backyard as they both live in Carlsbad. John Gustin who is an expert in the nutrition and health industry and Jim Lutes a network marketing guru spoke at the meeting. John shared about his background experience and the due diligence on the product that he did when meeting with Trey White in Dallas some months ago. He was the one that recommended that this product was perfect for the multi level marketing approach to distribution. He also presented Trey with a road map for structuring the marketing and sales of the product. He will be a great resource for all of us to learn from...
Jim talked about his extensive background in the industry and how excited he is that he will be training all of us. Wow... his talk was motivating and informative. He will be teaching us the best way to build our business and it will be up to us to respond and act. If we work real hard for the first couple years we can be assured of monthly residual income for years in the future.
I encourage all of you to start with listening to all the conference calls and attend any of these meetings that are in your area. One person on our team flew in from New York for the meeting.
This is going to be FUN...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Orange County Kick Off Meeting TONIGHT

How fun. My son Derek has arranged a meeting at the St Regis Hotel in Dana Point on Wednesday night at 7:00. Guest speakers will be Jim Lutes, the man who is on the conference calls from San Diego, and John Gustin another Master Distributor and Don Ruiz a local highly successful entrepreneur.
This will be a great way to meet some new folks, get educated about the network marketing business and get prepared for The Launch in October.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Note From Shay...

Franck and Shay's EvolvHealth Team---Testimonies from people who have been using Archaea Active for years were taped last week at Trey’s house and should be available to us soon.

Remember to listen to the conference call tonight and try to invite friends, family and co workers to listen in also. We are a month from pre launch and you need to encourage them to secure their positions. You are more than welcome to pass this email on to your team.

Have a blessed day,

Shay Uhl

Tuesday, September 1st, 2009: 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain and 5 PM Pacific.

Conference Number: 712-338-8186 Login Code: 965055#